Infinite Futures
"Clean rivers, clear air, land stewardship that honors + uplifts indigenous peoples while recovering from capitalist extractions. Meaningful employment that is well paid. Biodiversity as a measure of progress. Celebrations that ground us and heal us. Sculptures, paintings, performances weaving through the streets in every city." - Carissa Lillian Clark
"A vision where no one has deferred dreams. Where babies realize their dreams in adulthood with the same childlike curiosity." - Maria Judice
"Future of Translingualing: Translingualing, or operating between/across languages, is a form of freedom from monolingual restraint as well as a means of resisting monolingual bias." - S.C.Mullooly, More info about Translingualing
"Universal free education from K-Graduate school by 2032" - Lonny Avi Brooks, More info on world building
